Lays from the Plays

WT wrote musical operettas for performance by his church family at Bucks Road Methodist Church, Douglas, and also a number for performance at the schools where he was headteacher: Foxdale and Victoria Road Schools. The poems in the collection ‘Lays from the Plays’ were song lyrics from the operettas published in the Manx Weekly Times throughout 1963, when they would have been recognised and remembered by the individuals who had enjoyed performing them. Not all the lyrics from each operettas are shown here, just the ones that appeared in the paper.
For an alphabetical list of titles of these lyrics Click here

A Song of Sevens

(From “Fenella and the Moonflower”)

Seven colours in the rainbow, that’s the general rule;

And seven wonders in the world ...

Ancient Remedies

(From “Fenella and the Moonflower”)

We’ve charms to cure all sickness,

And our doctors know their stuff.

Our treatments act ...

Ballalonna Bridge

(From  “The Maid of Ballalonna”)

Where “Themselves” are meeting nightly

Is the hollow past the bridge.

Few can see their ...


(From “As Good as Gold”)

When I add two and two I know quite well, I do,

The answer should ...


(From “As Good as Gold”)

Butterflies, butterflies everywhere

Flutter and dance in the golden air,

Lighting on petals of white ...


(From “The Shepherdess and the Sweep”)

Ah, freedom is a noble thing,

A noble thing forsooth !

But many a ...

Loyal Women

(From “A Meeting of the Institute” )

Loyal women of the nation

Let us have one common aim,

Strongly in ...


(From “The Maid of Ballalonna”)

Oh, Phynnoderee, Phynnoderee,

Phynnoderee, that’s me.

I work all night and I take delight

In ...

The Stars

(From “The Shepherdess and the Sweep”)

I love to see the stars at night

Above the swaying trees,

Their tiny ...