Sequins of moonshine quiver and gleam,
Dance to the music, the waltz of the stream;
Laugh in the night of ...
A series of sonnets about the bays and beaches of the Isle of Man, encompassing themes of life, the beauty of the natural world, Manx culture, memory, the passing of time, death, and Christian faith. They appeared in the Isle of Man Weekly Times in 1962.
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Sequins of moonshine quiver and gleam,
Dance to the music, the waltz of the stream;
Laugh in the night of ...
Grey as the ash from once fierce-kindling fires,
Grey as the bones from ancient Viking pyres.
Grey as the twilight ...
The black water chuckles in the night
Furtively caressing concrete piers,
Winking with yellow eyes at each lone light,
Smacking ...
Old Snaefell lifts his mighty brow and looks
With calm demeanour o’er his realm of brooks,
Circled with his attendant ...
The little harbours of the island lie
Snugly at rest, below the headlands green,
Each a retreat from the stormy ...
Red as a garnet in the setting sun
The old cathedral ringed by castle walls
Guards like a sentinel, when ...
Stern Bradda with its crowning tower
Stands sentinel
Towards the north,
And guards this westward looking shore;
And none may ...
From upland bourne I gaze
Down on the patchwork fields and scattered farms
To where, muffled in summer haze,
The ...
When in clear June the sun spreads on the sea
His first long fingers, rising from his sleep,
The bollards ...