Birthday Ode


All hail this gladsome day !

Whereon was born a little girl

With smiling eyes and clustering curl,

As precious as a glistening pearl !

The sun’s most glorious ray

Light up the lovely face and make

Everyone happy for her sake,

And may she have a monster cake

With guests to shout “Hooray !”


Hail, eighth of February !

This is the seventh time thy morn

Has broken since our maid was born,

Six years in which she to adorn

Our home has had.  Memory

Holds fast to what is treasured there,

Those precious years of essence rare,

That joy with which naught can compare …

Her radiant company.


Hail, postman at the door !

Your beaming face shows that you guess

This is a special day, no less

The birthday of Her Loveliness,

There’s birthday cards, a score !

The house is full of girls and boys

Who simply make a dreadful noise,

And play with games  and books and toys,

And sprawl upon the floor.

